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B.E.T. Inc. operating as BugEye Technologies has Established Alliances

  • Local and International Industry Organizations

  • National and Local Indigenous Organizations

  • Commercial, Construction and Industrial Companies

  • Environmental, Oil & Gas and Mining Companies

  • Provincial Government Agencies

  • Federal Government Departments

The Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business is projecting Canada's Indigenous economy will grow from $30 billion a year today to $100 billion by 2024.

There are about 50,000 Indigenous businesses in Canada , and they are growing at nine times the rate of non-Aboriginal business, according to the Council.


B.E.T. Inc, since 1996 has successfully facilitated building the relationships between non-Indigenous and Indigenous businesses to mutually create "Win-Win" economic development bridges.


This includes our executive team working within multi-billion dollar organizations in Indigenous leadership positions to meet your corporate goals, mandates and objectives.


B.ET. Inc, (100% Aboriginal owned) is a supporter of PSAB certification and merges with external business partners to cooperatively support winning Government  contracts.

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